Ray Ban - Untold Stories Legends

Para comemorar os 75 anos, a marca Ray Ban lançou o livro Legends: Untold Stories, em edição limitada com 18 fotos inéditas. O livro, segundo seus editores, confirma a vanguarda de estilo dos óculos da marca desde a sua estreia em 1937.
Legends: Untold Stories apresenta fotos raras de ícones, incluindo Mick Jagger, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Andy Warhol, e JFK. Junto com as fotos, o livro também contará com ensaios de Pharrell Williams, Iggy Pop e Wenner Jann.


To celebrate the 75th anniversary, the brand Ray Ban launched the book Legends: Untold Stories, limited edition with 18 new photos. The book, according to its editors, confirms the forefront of style sunglasses brand since its debut in 1937
The book features rare photos of icons in their shades, including Mick Jagger, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Andy Warhol, and JFK.  Along with the photos, the book will also feature essays by Pharrell Williams, Iggy Pop and Jann Wenner.


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